Brandon Faris
Brandon Faris
  • Height:
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Titusville, Florida
  • Previous School:
    Astronaut High School


  • What are you studying: AA

  • Most notable athletic achievement: Placing 9th at states in the 3200

  • Favorite athlete: Simon DeVoss

  • Favorite food: Spaghetti

  • Favorite singer/group: Chris Stapleton

  • Favorite movie: Twister

  • Favorite TV show: Station 19

  • Favorite sport other than one you are playing: Basketball
  • Non-athletic talent: Welder

  • Plans after completing your education: Continue my welding career

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Adem Bouldjadj win Holloway Collegiate XC Opener

Eastern Florida State College men's cross country runner Adem Bouldjadj won the Holloway Collegiate XC Opener in Lakeland on Friday morning

September 6, 2024